
  • Silk thread is likely to stretch and thin, especially with frequent wear. If your pearls or beads look unevenly spaced or the silk has already snapped, it’s time! Restringing services are priced per inch and include cleaning and materials. Fully knotted, semi-knotted, and unknotted options available.

    All Sophie Strings Pearls original pieces come with complimentary restringing within two years of purchase. Please contact Sophie to register your piece and learn more.

  • From variations on permanent collection pieces to fully new, custom design inquiries are always welcome. If you’re interested in creating a custom piece please contact Sophie to start the process.

  • Haven’t been able to find what you’re looking for? Sophie loves a good treasure hunt and would be happy help. New or vintage, gold or silver, pearls or diamonds, and everything in between. All materials and budgets welcome.